About Larry
I live in Bandon on the southern Oregon coast and I've been riding for a long, long time, years, decades. We won't go there kiddies but believe me, it's been awhile. During that time I've done most of my riding on the road with occasional off-road forays, most of which were intentional. Some weren't. Until just a couple of years ago I'd never ridden a hack - that's sidecar to those who aren't familiar with the lingo. I figure riding a hack up Alaska's infamous Haul road all the way to Deadhorse should top off my torture tank for quite awhile.
About Mac
Mac hails from Robins, Iowa and has been riding bikes longer than most people have been around. He managed to torture his old BMW past the 100,000 mile mark and presently rides a Yamaha FJR. His newest ride, a 2008 Ural Patrol is waiting on the dealer's highest shelf until the flood waters recede after which they'll assemble it and turn it over to him. The fact that he's heading to Alaska for his first journey on a new rig should tell you all you need to know about him...

Mac's ride is a 2008 Russian Ural Patrol. This model comes from the factory with a sidecar set up, ready to roll.
Bike specs - the factory stuff
- 750 cc engine, horizontally opposed twin cylinders, originally a knock-off of a 30's era BMW airhead. Many new improvements have been made to the original 650 cc lump, ignition updated, fuel system, etc., but still very much like a vintage BMW in appearance.
- Current models feature disc brakes up front and drums on the rear.
- The tranny is a 4-speed and gearing is configured to provide comfortable cruising speeds of around 55-60 mph, plenty for touring and exploring back roads over any type of terrain.
- The really good part is the selectable sidecar drive - 2wd - and reverse too, both features ensure that Ural Patrol pilots can go nearly anywhere.
- It's not always easy to find accurate information on Urals but the most common guess on horsepower puts it somewhere in the mid-40s, adequate for tooling around but probably not the best choice for Interstate freeway travel.
- Fuel consumption runs around 32-35 mpg at normal cruising speeds. At least that's what I've been told... I think...
Farkles - Dealer installed
- 2 Powerlets, one for heated clothing and one for the GPS.
- Clear windshield
- Leg Guards
- Army green fuel canister
- Camo tire cover
Farkles - Mac installed
- Camo bike cover
- Repair Manual
- Heated gloves

Larry's ride is a 2000 Italian Aprilia Pegaso equipped with a 1995 Russian Sputnik sidecar
Hot dang!
Bike specs -the factory stuff
- Powered by a 651 cc single cylinder water cooled Rotax engine made in Austria. It features 5 radial valves, double overhead cams, 2 Mikuni carbs, and dual exhaust, all of which produces a modest 53 horsepower and delivers 50+ mpg. The gearbox is a 5-speed and disc brakes are all around. With the addition of the sidecar and subsequent loads fuel economy drops to around 35 mpg. It's just a big ol' thumper... I love it
Bike Farkles
- Dauntless sub-frame - This is what the Sputnik hangs on
- Heated grips & heated vest with digital controls - No sense in being cold. Not me anyway. Hey, we're going to Alaska, not Albuquerque
- Garmin 2610 GPS - Manly men don't ask for directions
- Corbin seat - lowers my fandango a couple of inches closer to the ground
- AirHawk inflatable seat pad - just in case the Cobin begins to freeze... also helps fend off monkey butt
- Scottoiler automatic chain oiler system - Because I'm lazy and don't like to oil yucky chains
- GenMar handle bar risers - no neck cricks for me by cricky
- Talon Alarm system - it'll put yer ear out. It did mine. Huh?
- Digital 5-function voltmeter thingy - this farkle actually has a black ice detector on it... no need to watch the road ever
- The Hornet Electronic Deer Avoidance System - I'll buy damn near anything... how embarrassing
Sidecar specs - the factory stuff
- Steel tub with clamshell entry, tonneau cover, locking trunk not really big enough for a body but handy just the same, really goofy looking windscreen that blew off somewhere along I-5 on the way home from Dauntless Motors, big ol' skinny tire with cable operated drum brake just like on my high school '35 Ford, all built to the highest standards of Russian quality. Yessiree..
Sidecar Farkles - Beyond Nikita's wildest dreams
- Replacement BMW wheel with disc brake
- Adjustable Windscreen - home made as I'm a frugal person. Cheap too.
- Custom Tilting Luggage rack & Spare Tire Carrier