About Larry

I live in Bandon on the southern Oregon coast and I've been riding for a long, long time, years, decades. We won't go there kiddies but believe me, it's been awhile. During that time I've done most of my riding on the road with occasional off-road forays, most of which were intentional. Some weren't. Until just a couple of years ago I'd never ridden a hack - that's sidecar to those who aren't familiar with the lingo. I figure riding a hack up Alaska's infamous Haul road all the way to Deadhorse should top off my torture tank for quite awhile.

About Mac

Mac hails from Robins, Iowa and has been riding bikes longer than most people have been around. He managed to torture his old BMW past the 100,000 mile mark and presently rides a Yamaha FJR. His newest ride, a 2008 Ural Patrol is waiting on the dealer's highest shelf until the flood waters recede after which they'll assemble it and turn it over to him. The fact that he's heading to Alaska for his first journey on a new rig should tell you all you need to know about him...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

So many tents, so little time... Mac's veritable quandry

As it happens it's June 22nd and we're still in the pre-launch period of our ride to Alaska. Delivery of Mac's new Ural Patrol remains on hold for a few more days till the flood waters of the mid-west go away. In the mean time he is weighing the advantages of one of his two tents over the other before deciding which to take. Some of his issues have to do with whether or not they'll stand up to high winds and are absolutely waterproof.

These are valid concerns for some folks, usually the ones who scale Mt Everest, etc. I am not of that ilk; it is my feeling that tents need only be impervious to darkness followed by daylight. For issues beyond that there lays a solution adequately provided for by an industry most commonly referred to as the "hospitality trade", i.e. Motel Six, etc. 

Moreover you will note in the accompanying photographs that the second of his tents is outfitted in what may only be described as lavender and white livery... This in itself might bring cause for traveling companions of a true manly man's nature to move closer to the fire. His other tent up for consideration is a more traditional shade of green, easily acceptable in any manly man's company yet unlikely to strike fear in the hearts of curious bears. It may be noted there exists little or no data as to bears color preferences and whether or not they share the same tastes in designer fabrics as do riders of Ural motorcycles. Perhaps "taste" becomes the relevant term here with bears providing the deciding factor?