Email from Mac Re. our first camp. This sounds good to me, can't wait!
Sun 6/15/08 1:12 PM
Fired up my camp stove for the first time today, just to make sure it works. Made a foam pocket to carry the propane cylinders in. Just as soon not have them rattling around. Might go BOOM.
Got a carry bag for the stove which fits great. Working on getting a couple of water proof containers that I can put on top of the ice in my cooler to hold any goodies that I don't want to get wet. The beer below I think will be ok, hey, it won't last long enough for the cans to get rusty.
I really need to get my hands on the bike because I need to get some measurements of the tub as I want to get a couple of water proof containers to carry clothes and cooking stuff. I'm talking about "BIG" containers that just barely fit in the tub. I plan on putting my cooler on the seat.
After the rain early this morning, this has turned out to be a beautiful day. The dealer is not open until Tuesday and I am really hoping that he will have it ready by Thursday, but that probably depends on how much work he has to do just to clean up his shop.
Dang, I am getting antsy,
P.S. I figure a good place for us to meet would be the KOA campground at Burlington. I plan on being there two nights. The first night I arrive and then have my bike worked on at the dealer, near by, the next day and then stay the second night. Then we can leave from there. Dang, if I only knew the dates.